Patent Searching


A novelty search may take many forms, depending on the time available to carry out the search or the budget allowed by the client.

Listed below are the major patent records that are readily available for searching using either manual or online techniques.

Often a novelty search will involve the use of a combination of these records, or in some cases, all. Each novelty search varies in the degree of precision required, and it is generally advisable to discuss the costs and benefits of various combinations in order to maximise the cost/benefit of the search.

Australian Patent Record

Patent Specifications published from 1906 through to the most recent published specifications.

United States Patent Record

Patents issued by the United States Patents Office from 1920 through to the most recently issued. There is a delay in publication in Australia of the complete specifications of United States Patents of approximately 3 months. This delay is obviated by online searching techniques that include the most recently issued patents.

Other Foreign Patent Records


When a fixed price is quoted at the time of instruction we will search the most appropriate records to give the widest range of information until we have expended the budget. These searches are not intended to be exhaustive but they are quite effective in disclosing the state of the art subject matter searched.


In addition to patent records, genmeral Scientific and Technological records of chemical, electronic, medical, biomedical, geological, physics and other fields may affect novelty and are therefore very important when trying to determine novelty.


An infringement Search for Australia includes all current patents and published-pending applications, together with those patents that have had their term extended.


A patent proprietor search includes patents and patent applications where the application was filed in the name to be searched together with applications or patents assigned to that name.

Generally the search covers applications filed over the past 20 years (the life of a patent), but may be for a longer or shorter term as requested.


The Patent Family Search locates those foreign and local patents that evolve from the same invention and, therefore, from the same basic application. As the various data providers only index published application details only, the family data is updated as new family members are published and the information is gathered by the data provider.

This search is conducted when a patent or patent application number is known and it is necessary to find whether applications for the same invention have been made in other countries.

The Australian Industrial Property Organisation’s record is searched together with INPADOC and Derwent’s records as appropriate. The search includes inquiries on applicants/inventors names, titles and priority dates.

Watching Services

Proprietor Watch

This service provides information regarding all applications filed in a given name and is reported on a monthly basis or as required. The application number, title and priority information in respect of each application is given.

Application/Registration Number

A watch on an application/registration number provides important information about lapsing, publication, acceptance, or registration and renewal details. A watch on number allows timely information where a response is needed within a critical time span, such as with opposition after acceptance.

Subject Matter

A watch on subject matter provides information about every published or accepted application that relates to a predefined topic. It provides information about potential competitors' products, new players in the field and also stimulates creative product development. A report is generated monthly, or as required, and includes an abstract/abridgement of each item located.

R.E. Kemp & Co. Pty. Limited
Suite 1A, Level 2, 802 Pacific Highway, Gordon NSW 2072
Tel: (02) 9844-5436 Fax: (02) 9844-5445